Monday 4 October 2010

Overcoming Procrasination

A message from the beloved Ascended Masters x

'Let Us share with you some thoughts on procrastination for We see that many of our Tender Hearts desire too and are indeed ready to move through its illusory hold. Each and every one of you have all experienced procrastination throughout the tapestry of your lives, you see how much you share? It is nothing to ashamed of for such thoughts only help you to feel heavy. We wish to bring you more lightness of being and inspired flow. That procrastination is an unreleased, undigested energy formed of thoughts reaffirms that it is not you. It need not stay within your beautiful being.

Take heart Beloved, none frown upon you here. We see that the energy of procrastination intrudes upon your thoughts and clouds you minds, a heavy burden indeed. Often it dose not go away with awareness of it alone, yet is a wonderful place to start. Come let Us assist you.

Let Us help to remind you of your many achievements. To feel good about your sweet selves greatly assists you to more easily move through that which you avoid, it help your realignment with the delightful flow of life. To be aware of procrastination is to hear lives call. We laugh as say that you have already accomplished much; there is no need to hold back now. You are already more successful able and ready than you are presently aware. You need not fear, help is with you in many ways, both here and upon the earth in physical form. Let Us help to remind you of your of many achievements. We ask that you do not judge them as too small, allow them to come. Call to mind your accomplishments. You have done much that was worthy of your celebrating. Yet many of you have been harsh upon your sweet selves did not deem them so. Unhelpful thoughts were used, We see many did not notice when the words became affirmations that served to slow you down. We gladly tell you that it is of no matter, all is well. You can change the pattern with new intention. Affirm anew! To use your mind this way as a helpful tool assists you greatly. Choose word’s that inspire confidence, keep them in the here and now. Let them begin with ‘I am’s’ so that they do not hold avoidary future intent. Allow them to help to lift your self belief knowing that your energy is responding accordingly, undoing ‘should of’s’ ‘too late’s’ and ‘need to’s’. We remind you that your thoughts greatly shape your experiences.

With your new unleashed energy, light flows into you and from you and dissolves the self doubt and low self worth as dose the sun dissolve the fog.

See your selves and the world within which you share with clearer kinder eyes. Let us wash away the illusion that encourages you to believe otherwise. We gently encourage you to take the step you’ve been hiding from, and remind you that you do not step alone.

You need not deny your self, your gifts, your talents. You need not feel harassed by the mistaken unloving thoughts of others. All is well, We are here to assist you with your forward movement. Let Us remind you of the delights that you may open to. Be at ease, you need not undervalue your true ability, how mistaken such thoughts are. We see your truth and would never lead you astray. Place your concerns and worries into us for they become instantly transformed into something higher.

Once you take the first step, there is a tremendous shift in your energy, many you feel it and know that it is true. An immediate lightning of energy begins, unravelling what was once held back.

The universe is a generous and loving place, believe it as such and this will help to shape your experiance. It awaits your sacred contributions, for it too has a place. The energy of procrastination can be as a catalyst to launch you into new waves of healing and fulfilment. You have great transformative potential, calling to you now.

The prompts to continue forth with ‘your’ plans, to make the call, begin or continue with your project, to finish the job…. They will continue to come. Your soul will continue to call to you. Yet we see what a blessing this is! You are aware of your souls calling; let it guide you in other ways also. You do deserve the life you avoid, allow your self acceptance to flourish.

When procrastination is with you, it is a call for action. Join us; we are ready to assist you. It can be fully released more easily than you know.
If you find your sweet selves too busy to heed its prompt’s, we remind you that you are not burdened with more than you can handle unless you burden yourselves. We are ready to help you release and set down that which you -are- ready to release for the new phase of life. For some of you we will continue to show which to hand back, as they do not belong to you, it is wise to do so to unleash your flow. It is also a loving act, as you allow others to fulfil their parts too. There is no more ‘clog’s’ and inspiration flows.

As you move forward, the steps become clearer and so very often joyful. Challenges continue to come but the need not cause you pain. Procrastination is not the enemy, simply use it to show you your strength, your worth. We guide you to trust yourself beloved, believe in yourself and see yourself for the strong creative and ‘able’ being that you are. We are here by your side. There is nothing to fear, you are exploring something new, moving beyond limited thinking and stepping into higher levels of your being. Some of you are indeed ready to make a quantum leap, to move beyond all that you have been before and go higher. What celebration, what delight for you are ready! We will guide your steps, listen to your inner feelings. We with you, through you and all that is around you to help you reach your highest potential.

We offer to you our open hearts and hands, let us walk together. We are honoured to assist you in all ways.'

Channelled by Katie Speed
Copyright Katie Speed

Saturday 8 May 2010

Complete acceptance is one of the most profound gifts to offer yourself. It doesn’t mean that you stop growing, it undoes old ‘stuck’ thought patterns giving you room to grow.

With Love
Katie xx

Friday 7 May 2010

The world in which we live in is a very special place, let us walk with reverence. Our inner world is just as precious, let us commune with love.

Katie x

Saturday 10 April 2010

Divine Hearts ...

Divine Hearts

Divine Hearts, that is what each of you carry within your physical bodies. Divine Hearts that have the power to lift you up to the highest realms of bliss, to settle you into the deepest realms peace. This will never change. Your divine hearts are unblemished, unmarred by your earthly experiences.

Your hearts are deep, they are true, they are clear. Any other view of them is simply a misconception. They can not be harmed as they are harmless. They can not be that which they are not.

They are a part of your heritage, mighty gifts with which you are all blessed with. Were you to dive deeply into them you would find you sweetest truth and most powerful nature. To explore them in earnest would bring you to that which is eternal, your Godly self. Your divine hearts are shared by all, is One with all.

There is a misunderstand among some of you that the condition of your physical hearts represents a weakness of your divine heart, this is not so. That which is eternal can not be weakened.

Your lives are rich with opportunities. You can use all experiences, including that which you have found traumatic, unforgiving hurtful expression of fear from others, as a means to take you deeper into truth. These experiences often hold the greatest means of transformation. You are an alchemist, transform your hurts into inner bridges, you see you can not be stopped from continually growing into your higher being unless you believe it is so. Your divine hearts are your life force, bring your hurts into them and allow what once was to be changed into what can now be. Bring them into your hearts centre with the intention of forgiveness, offer it over to God, be willing for the change to happen and it shall be so.

Allow your hearts to flow. You are so much more than simply accepted by Us as you are now, let us assist you in your becoming into who you really are. We are here to help you through your periods of pain no matter what has happened, no matter what has been done or you have done. At times you turn away from Us as you hold shame, you are already loved my brother, my sister, you are already loved expansively and eternally.

The past doses not have to linger. Ah sweet release as it dose not have to be a continues cycle that you re- experience in any guise, unless you allow it to do so with complacencies or a belief in failure. We see no victims here, only our dearest beloved whom wish to assist in all ways. The transformation of hurts expand and strengthen your life force, radiating from you and attracting to you fresh energy which you may experience. You are blessed with free will, invite Us close and we shall walk upon your path side by side, you can rest in the knowing that We are here.

Openly and joyously do we receive you, openly and joyously are you loved.


Divine Hearts ... channelled through Katie Anne Speed

Thursday 11 March 2010

This months message ......

"Beloved Children, it is time to let your minds expand, to match & become in tune with the vastness of your hearts ... this is no space or time of "small mindedness" ... for it only limits you & your experiences of life.
The "small mind" knows of nothing but of where it has been.
Yet to let go, connect with the spirit of the Universal mind offers you such potential for a greater love, a greater wisdom & unlimited spaces of growth.
You are one with a limitless ocean of love. It is time to embrace all that you are ... not fear it ...& through your higher minds, your bodies, your actions, your heart ... deliver to the lives of others your "shining."

Welcome to March ....

Welcome to our March newsletter. I pray our sharing of love finds you well & shining.

Funny how we celebrate New Year as a society in the depths of Winter, when all our inner urges & the cycles of Mother Nature ask that we hibernate, nourish our souls as the seedlings beneath the soils, withdrawing within, immersing in our own rich centers

The time of Re-birth is fast approaching as the spring equinox this is the time of new beginnings, a time that holds much promise of delicious adventures as our souls awaken from their time of learning & integration & are ready to take action shining in our newness.

Many of us have found as we become more at ease with our one-nes with heaven & earth, that we cannot ignore this much needed time of hibernation & soul nourishment, the more we push to do the more exhausted we become. Why push against & try to control when the Universe only asks that we be. our lessons become harder as we dig our heels in & refuse to listen to our guidance & yet on the other hand we yell for it. often our guidance can appear too simple for our egos to bare .. What relax, just be, meditate, nourish myself! Surely I SHOULD be doing something " *grin*

The past couple of weeks has bought us the gifts of a greater self awareness, in time for our rebirth, ensuring all our past behavioral patterns that are not of love are seen , forgiven & released enabling us to break unhealthy cycles of our own creation & be closer to our authentic selves ... love.

Of course that has meant we have had to watch our self & take responsibility, rather than remaining the archetype victim - apportioning blame or trying to validate our past actions. This takes great spiritual maturity, self love & a richer love for others that holds no expectations .... setting all free from our personal theatre of life ... allowing everyone an opportunity to make new beautiful choices.

I am not sure about you, but I have found this time wonderfully enriching. the awareness of self sabotaging thoughts & ways has been extremely crystal clear as the Universe supports us now, more that ever, in being all that we are. For each individual person is being called as a being of love & light to grasp their strength, stand in their own two shoes, so that they may deliver to all a sharing of love, passions & creation...

It takes courage to look at ourselves. To blame another or the past ... the external world does not offer us growth. the answers are always within & that is where rebirth & change & LOVE begins . X x

The moment I stop "looking" at myself .. my behaviors, my re -actions - is the moment I stop growing. That moment when I stop "looking" at myself for the answers & instead look to you with a need for the answers to be found.

With all my love & Heaven Sent Wishes

Michelle x

This month's affirmation ... "I am strong in my gentleness, that which I forgive & release has lost its power over me."

Being in tune with our beautiful moon ....

Ever had those days when no matter how hard you try you just cannot conjure up the energy to take action? ... well, maybe it is as simple as the position of the moon - this is what I discovered ... & so life is not so much of a struggle, more a consistent, secure flow - a flow with life & all her cycles & seasons, it is only hard when we struggle against life.

So *smile* the New Moon phase & each phase of the moon lasts aprox 3-4 days .. so you still have time to set your New Moon creations. ..
By the light of the New Moon & a dedicated candle's flame sit & draw symbols or write a list of your intentions, goals & dreams for the forthcoming moon cycle. An important part of creation is "knowing" for ourselves what it is we seek for our life. Exploring our wants. Needs & desires & feeling it is safe to receive. Getting our dreams down on paper help us to see where we have been, where we are & where we wish to go....
The new moon is for "planting seeds". I pop my picture list somewhere in my home where I can see it daily, like the fridge door *grin* - not so much that I can become obsessed with whether "manifestation" works for this simply takes trust but it is there to help me maintain focus & keep the symbols list of my heart's dreams alive. It is also very releasing to burn your dreams & intentions ... letting go & trusting that all will be in divine timing. It is important that you do what feels the most supportive action for you that allows that faith in "letting go & letting God."

The next phase is the Crescent moon, here spend time creating a clear practical plan of the moon cycle ahead. Daydream, feeling how it feels to "be", "do" or "have.." - Our feelings are far stronger than our thoughts, Our Angels listen to our heart - our feelings must match our desires. Meditate & be aware of any contradicitng thoughts & feelings & be aware of any guidance.

The next phase is the "First Quarter" - this is a time to take GUIDED ACTION - anything that has come up that you need to do.

The Gibbous Moon follows & this is the time where we are to simply sit & be ... this is the time where often no amount of action can seem to get things done - this is our "be-ing" time. A time to surrender & lay resting in God's hands.

Full Moon & all her gifts are then available to us - her light shining the way, illuminating all that we need to release for the new to enter our lives. We become aware of old patterns, shadows, habits in her magnificent light. There is no hiding in this light. Yet her light feeds our creative seeds, we dance her dance & she sings to us.

The Disseminating Moon or Harvest moon follows, here we reap what we have sown - sometimes this can be the seeds of New Moon, sometimes it can be the seeds of a previous New Moon - seeds blossom in divine timing - not our ego time set, remember "thy will" not my will -This is a very exciting time, that requires faith & trust in life's flow

In the "Last Quarter" we are given time for reflection, to let go of all that does not fit anymore & is not working. We are given space to complete old projects. Old & uncomfortable holds us in a time that does not serve us ... this is another good time for "burning" - to write down all that you wish to release & burn it ... saying something like "I burn these words & ask that they may be released from my body & bodies & transmuted into a higher love. And so it is ...."

And last but not least we are blessed with the Balsamic Moon, a time that I personally am very sensitive too as I know it brings about "change" that I must have faith in & follow... this is a time to surrender our fears from the past, allowing Mighty Archangel Michael to cleanse our bodies & life of all that is not love. We are given space to "play" with potential futures - "feeling" with our hearts not thinking with our heads. Allowing the light within to help us create new seeds for the forthcoming new moon.

Be -ing with life & her ways has allowed so much more contentment, security, trust & peace into my life.. For it is not our way but life's way - this is flow, this is grace, & this is where we see, feel & receive all the Universe wishes to bless us with.

So - go grab your crayons, the glitter, the glue - plant your New Moon seeds - add love, joy & faith to that piece of paper which is part of life itself. Put it in a place where you can see it not hide it... And now simply flow & trust x

Wishing you a beautiful moon cycle ahead.

With love & Heaven Sent Wishes
Michelle x x